Big Update to S.F. Ethics Policies in the Works


S.F. ethics policy updates include tighter rules for City Hall lobbyists. Creative Commons image by Flickr user cfarivar

By Nina Thorsen, KQED News Fix

The city of San Francisco might be in for a major update to its ethics policies.

Board President David Chiu and City Attorney Dennis Herrera have unveiled a package of legislation that has taken them 10 months to craft. At a press conference before they introduced the legislation to the Board of Supervisors, Herrera listed the plan’s hoped-for effects.

“First, to tighten rules and enhance transparency for City Hall lobbyists, permit expediters and influential developers,” Herrera said. “Second, to bring greater oversight and fiscal accountability to city contracting, procurement and grant-making practices. And third, to expand public access to public information. The biggest criticism that we hear of those of us in City Hall is that there’s a lack of accountability, a lack of transparency, a lack of openness with respect to how business is done.”

Read the complete story at KQED News Fix.

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