S.F. Woman Living in RV Experiences a Wave of Evictions


Melodie: “No one wants to live under a freeway.” Photo by J.P. Dobrin/Mission Local

Mission Local

Melodie, living in her RV, was one of the residents of an encampment, known as the Hairball, under a tangle of freeway exchanges between Highway 101 and Cesar Chavez St. But now, San Francisco is  clearing out the Hairball, and Parker will have to move on. But her life as a homeless resident in the city over the last decade shows what it is like to be on the other side of the city’s sweeps.

Read the story at Mission Local. 

For a more complete look at the issues of homelessness in San Francisco, read the Public Press special reports “Solving Homelessness” and “Navigating Homelessness.”

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