The FBI Arrested a Top City Employee. What Does This Mean for S.F.?


Joe Eskenazi. Photo by Laura Wenus // Public Press

A San Francisco department head was arrested and charged by the FBI this week. Mohammed Nuru, now on administrative leave from his position as director of the Department of Public Works, is facing up to 25 years in prison on corruption charges and other charges relating to failing to keep the investigation secret. “Civic” discussed the case with Joe Eskenazi, the managing editor and a columnist at Mission Local. He writes that Nuru’s alleged behavior doesn’t appear to be the sole focus of this investigation – and that this same behavior is part of a pattern in San Francisco.

“The FBI goes for the little fish and the big fish. They’ve gotten the little fish, not in the way they wanted, and we’ll see if that leads to more.” — Joe Eskenazi

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