
How Proposed S.F. Tax Measures Could Affect Inequality

Among more than a dozen ballot propositions that voters are deciding on in November, several are tax measures, including ones on businesses, property, and purchases. Many have components meant to reduce inequality or fund much-needed services. “Civic” talked with Donnie Charleston, director of public policy and advocacy for E Pluribus Unum, a nonprofit whose mission is to build a more just, equitable and inclusive South. » Read more

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Trust in media may be at an all-time low, but local nonprofit news organizations are filling the gaps left by the accelerating contraction of commercial newsrooms. For 11 years, the Public Press has dedicated itself to unbiased investigative and explanatory reporting that digs deeper, exposes wrongdoing and holds the powerful accountable. » Read more

‘She Represents’ Offers Critical Feminist Look at Women in Politics

Writer and former San Francisco Bay Guardian culture editor Caitlin Donohue has released a new book for young adult readers about women in politics, titled “She Represents: 44 Women Who Are Changing Politics … and the World.” With illustrations by artist Briana Arrington, the book profiles political figures from the Bay Area, including Barbara Lee, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi, and from around the world. » Read more

To Fight Apathy, Viewing Electoral Participation as Collective, Not Solitary, Act

The political climate at the local level can often be in stark contrast to what’s being discussed at the national level, where President Trump has repeatedly refused to commit to a peaceful transition of power should he lose the election. At all levels, candidates have been responding to this in part by encouraging constituents to vote. » Read more

A still image from “The Boys Who Said NO!”

Draft Resistance Documentary Draws Throughlines With Civil Rights, Current Movements

Refusing to be inducted into the armed forces at the time of the Vietnam War was a felony and carried a sentence of up to five years in prison. The new documentary “The Boys Who Said NO!” shows how young draft resisters built a massive movement with a commitment to nonviolence that followed in the footsteps of civil rights organizers. » Read more

Tents housing homeless residents of San Francisco line a street below the freeway in 2017.

Closure of S.F. Shelter-in-Place Hotel Program Could Push Homeless Back to Streets

San Francisco’s decision to move more than 2,000 homeless people out of hotel rooms could drive many back onto the streets, leaving them as vulnerable to COVID-19 as they were when the temporary housing program was launched in the spring.

A plan by Mayor London Breed to add more than 1,500 permanent supportive housing units is not projected to be completed for two years. » Read more

City College Board Candidates Outline Plans for Coronavirus Crisis Recovery — November 2020

From the San Francisco November 2020 Nonpartisan Voter Guide.

Dozens of candidates are vying for local offices, including seats in six supervisorial districts, two seats on the BART Board of Directors, and four seats each on the boards for City College of San Francisco and the San Francisco Unified School District. » Read more

Board of Supervisors, District 11 — November 2020

From the San Francisco November 2020 Nonpartisan Voter Guide.

In this race, we asked candidates: “According to data from the 2012-2016 American Communities Survey, this district has the highest proportion of residents whose language spoken at home is not English, and the second-highest proportions of Asian and Latino residents, among all the supervisorial districts. » Read more

Board of Supervisors, District 7 — November 2020

From the San Francisco November 2020 Nonpartisan Voter Guide.

In this race, we asked candidates: “This district has one of the highest proportions of housing units that are owner occupied in the city, according to 2012-2016 Census Bureau data. It is also among the higher-income districts in the city. » Read more